And the Countdown Begins

In a little over three weeks, the General Assembly (GA) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will convene in St. Louis, MO.  This biennial event brings together Presbyterians from all over the country for worship, conversation, decision making, reconnections, new connections and long times for sitting and listening.

I had the privilege of attending the 218th General Assembly (2008) as a teaching elder commissioner from National Capital Presbytery.  This year I’ll be attending in my role as General Presbyter for the Presbytery of the Western Reserve.  While I have a pretty good knowledge of what happens at GA, attending in this capacity is a new one for me.  And in all honesty, I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I’m supposed to “do”.

One thing I am committing myself to is the support and encouragement of the commissioners from PWR.  I am grateful for their sense of call to this particular form of ministry.  I am awed by their excitement and willingness to give a week of their life to this work.  They deserve daily attention and “thank you so much” at every turn.  We will commission these 5 souls at our Presbytery meeting next week–praying over them and gifting them.  It is my hope that all who consider themselves a part of this Presbytery will extend to them gratitude and prayers.

There will be much more to chew on, think about, respond to as we are in the midst of the week.  For now, it is enough to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for all those attending as commissioners and praying God’s Spirit will blow through them as God leads all of us into that Divine future.



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